Playhouse Style

The Chalet A-frame Playhouse

Recommended Ages:

4 to 12

Space Needed to Install

29' x 43'

Color options


Note: White will be paired with grey decking

Note: Ivory will be paired with brown decking

Slides, Swings, Roofs & Accents



Slate Blue
Sage Green

Package Price

$ 23,158.00
Let us know if you need something else To customize or order

Meet the Chalet Playhouse – an iconic design that evokes nostalgia. Our goal with the Chalet A-frame Playhouse was to show how customizable our new A-frame playhouses are and how they can be incorporated into a full playground.

But first, let’s talk about the a-frame playhouse! Our love for this playhouse is born from its one-of-a-kind design, reminiscent of the iconic A-frame homes of the mid-20th century. Its signature triangular shape makes it stand out, lending a modern look to your playset.

The Chalet A-frame Playset has the charm of the Summit A-frame Playhouse, but we didn’t stop there! With a bridge connecting the balcony of the playhouse to an additional tower, there is room for swings, climbers, and slides! It truly is the playhouse for families who want our new a-frame playhouses with an adventurous, modern look and all the fun of a playground.

The Chalet A-frame Playset is an excellent, versatile addition to our lineup, inviting you to embrace modern architecture with ample fun to keep the kids outside!

Border Needed: 144 Linear ft.
Rubber Mulch Needed: 4 tons
Wood Mulch Needed: 12 cu. yds.
Weed Guard Needed: 1247 sq. ft.
Total Space Needed 29’ x 43’
Total Height: 12’ 5’’
Towers: 6’x6′ Playdeck w/ 6′ Deck Height
Tower Connectors: 8′ Wobbly Bridge
Playhouse: 6’x13′ A-frame Playhouse
Slides: 7′ Turbo Tube, 12′ Avalanche Slide
Climbers: 6′ Staircase with Aluminum Railing, 6′ Rock Wall, 6′ Ladder
Roof Type: Metal Roof
Swing Beam: 3 Position High Beam w/ Perpendicular Monkey Bars
Rides: One (1) Belt Swing, One (1) Trapeze Bar, One (1) Plastic Glider
Fun Accessories: Two (2) Big Windows, A-frame Playhouse Balcony, Aluminum Railing, 4′ x 11′ Porch

Free Designer consult

Get unlimited help in customizing your set to fill your needs and budget. Simply fill out the form below and a Swingit designer will reach out within 1-2 business days.

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