Large Style

The Galaxy Swing Set

Recommended Ages

2 to 14

Recently installed in

Lawrence, NY

Space Needed to install

30’ x 30’

Color options


Note: White will be paired with grey decking

Note: Ivory will be paired with brown decking

Slides, Swings, Roofs & Accents


Package Price

$ 16,225.00
Let us know if you need something else To customize or order

This swing set is imposing, impressive, and incredible! The Galaxy is a statement piece teaming with fun features to keep the kids busy!


Soaring to a 9’ deck height, the Galaxy swing set is a sight to behold! Great summer memories will be made climbing to the top and then spiraling down on the 9’ super spiral slide!

The Galaxy is a versatile set with three different tower heights, which means there are fun options for kids of all ages. The ramp is a breeze to get up, while the full-width rock wall is a fun challenge. The four-position 10’ high swing beam is a phenomenal swing beam with great rides. Having this set installed in your yard will be the talk of the neighborhood!

Border Needed: 120 Linear ft.
Rubber Mulch Needed: 3 tons
Wood Mulch Needed: 9 cu. yds.
Weed Guard Needed: 900 sq. ft.
Total Space Needed 30’ x 30’
Towers: Triple Cascade Tower (5’, 7’, & 9’ towers)
Connector: N/A
Slides: 14’ Avalanche Slide, 9’ Super Spiral Slide
Climbers: 12’ Ramp, 5’ Full Width Rock Climbing Wall
Sandbox: 4’ x 8’ (24 Bags of Sand Needed)
Roof Type: Poly
Swing Beam: 4 Position 10’ High Beam
Rides: Belt Swing,Trapeze Bar, Plastic Glider, 4 Rope Tire Swing, Hammock Swing (Below 9’ deck), Deluxe Toddler Swing (below 7’ deck)
Fun Add-ons: Ship’s Wheel, Telescope, Megaphone, Spot Light, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tea Table and Chairs, Bubble Panel

Free Designer consult

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